
Day Four

Trouble uploading from within Centeroo, spent the day talking with vendors and working behind the booth.


Day Three.... wifi a little whacky with the storms. If your on your way here, don't forget the rain boots. Below are images of the road going into vendor camping and breakfast behind the booth.

Day Two Rain

Day two was setting up, organizing and tightening up the tents as storms rolled in.....even in the rain the outlook of the vendors remained positive.


Margarita Night for the Vendors

Every year at Bonnaroo on the first eve of admission for the vendors, margarita night is held. Its an opportunity for vendors to relax talk with each other and catch up on a years worth of the going on.
The images above are a few moments of drinking and games.......
When leaving centeroo (the main vendor area, near the main stage) there were still several volunteers and artists working in the dark by generator light.


Getting There....

After just a few hours rest we were back on the road. The first pick is just outside Chattanooga, TN. The following pick will be my home for the next week while documenting.

Bonnaroo 2010

Currently in transit to the wonderful town of Manchester, TN. I will be documenting the various artists and vendors that attend the festival each year. Many of the artist's and vendors have known each other for years and travel to various festival's held all over the U.S it is a subculture within a subculture truly. My last bed for the week, a cozy best western outside ATL. It is only fitting to camp for the week along side the artists and vendors, to show the festival from their unique perspective behind the booth.